Sunday, October 5, 2008


Okay if from the title you didn't guess Emmah scored her very first soccer goal on Saturday! She was so excited. Jumping up and down and looking for high fives from just about everyone! GG, Mimi, and Papa even got to witness this joyous occasion. She is really enjoying soccer, just not the cold morning weather she has to play in!

As for school things are going well, she is really enjoying it. She started Baggy Books, where she brings home a book each week and has to read it then reads it to a parent and gets a new book. She is excited to be reading and just can't wait to get a new book.

Jake is up to his usual trouble, and of course passing along a sweet smile to get out of it! The most interesting part about him is that every time you put him to bed whether it is for a nap or bedtime he changes his clothes!! It is always a surprise to see what he will be wearing each time!

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