Monday, May 11, 2009

Not So Important

I follow a couple of blogs, and one of my favorites is A Listmaker's Life. I decided that I would follow her and post a list of 6 unimportant things, you know that things that you love, but really aren't that important or necessary for life!

So here is my list of 6 things:

  1. Flip flops! I wait all year to be able to wear them! And although they are the most fashionable shoes, and greatly disliked by my husband, I LOVE THEM!
  2. Fountian pop, I just love all the bubbles!!
  3. Matching towels. I have this weird obsession with having towels that not only match each other, but also match the bathroom or kitchen!
  4. Painted toenails. They don't really have to be from a pedicure, but I just like having them painted, they don't look right to me plain.
  5. Etsy! Katie also has this on her list, but I agree. I love looking at all the fun stuff and gettting really fun ideas that I can try on my own.
  6. Coffee. I know lame, but I love to indulge myself with fancy coffee, but I really don't need it!

I hope that you will give it a try too! If you do let me know, I would love to check it out!


Katie said...

Looks like we have a bit in common there, Kate...beside the obvious!
Thanks for sharing your list.
You were on my mind much of the day yesterday as I am sure this Mother's Day was more difficult for you!
Have a good afternoon,

annie said...

I posted my list over at
