Friday, March 4, 2011

Goals....Month 3

Well here we go with month 3 of our monthly goals....and to be honest I am not doing that well! Even though I am accomplishing some goals I think I am being too optimistic!

Let's look back and see what I got done last month, well only 2! The 2 things I was able to accomplish were:
  1. Fix Silverware display, sad this took so long!
  2. Cooking Dinner 5-6 nights a week!
Also last month I put my Master bedroom on the list, and have now decided since I will have to paint the bathroom ceiling over spring break I might as well do the bedroom then too. I may have to scale back a little for this month as we have a TON going on. But here are my goals for the month:
  1. Bathroom Curtians
  2. Emmah's bedroom, I have totally changed my plans so this weekend I am planning to finish it up, other than I can't seem to get her curtains to sew! May have to call in help!
  3. Living room wall. I want to put up a collection of things, I have seen these a lot and think it would be the perfect fit for my room!!
  4. Cook Dinner 5-6 nights a week! This has been easier then I thought it would, especially since I joined Weight Watchers I look to eat as point friendly as possible!

What are your goals for the month?? Be sure to check back on my progress and see if I can actually complete my list this month! I would LOVE to hear how you are doing at meeting your goal too!

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