Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again!

My entire life has been a weight roller coaster...mostly up, but there have been a few downs. I've tried every diet imaginable and told myself I was going to do....I've even posted here saying I was going to do it.
Well today as I was hunting through Pinterest briefly (yeah right!!) I found this incredibly inspiring blog post it really put things in perspective and brought a tear to my eye...Her ideas while not incredibly unique are what just might be what I need.
I don't want to be the mom who won't play with her kids...or fears going in public because of how she looks, or wonders what her kids think of her weight, or worries that her husband will find her a little less disireable.

I want to be confident, enjoy shopping for myself, FEEL good, and as cheesy as it might be get a bathing suit on clearance cause they have my size and its under $20! (For those of you less knowledgable about plus-size, bathing suits even on clearance are $50 or more!)

Here are some of her ideas that I put to work:
  • Goal Chart-I started with 1lb less than I am now...and counted down to my goal weight. Every lb I lose..I get to cross it off! I plan to keep it posted in the bathroom. And yes others may see it, but that is okay...I'm working on it!

  • Reward Chart-This is one thing she really has right! For every certain number of lbs I lose I will be rewarded! The more I lose...the BIGGER the reward! I really need to keep myself focused. This will be posted on the fridge, that way when I go for a snack...I can see it!
I am working to put together my reward chart. I'll post pictures soon!

BTW...down 3lbs!!!!


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