Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today we had our very first soccer games of the season! Of course it was raining...windy....and cold!! It wouldn't be spring if it wasn't like that for the first game! Jake was up first this morning and was ready to go! He is playing with a good friend and his team is pretty good. He even scored his first goal of the season!! Although we all got wet, and were cold it was a good time. This season should be interesting since they have some good players on their team and a very active coach. Emmah was up next and was super excited to get started!! She has a pretty good team to and some great players on her team! She too scored her first goal of the season and if she keeps working hard this season could be great!! I am looking forward to this season for both of them, seeing how they have grown and developed! Now if we could just get the weather to cooperate!

1 comment:

Ewin said...

Kate, can you send me a schedule of their games?